«March 2025»

Electoral Roll Revision

Every 6 years the churches’ Electoral Roll must be completely renewed. This year everyone must complete and sign a new form, available at the back of the church, as is the box into which they should be placed when completed. The deadline is Easter Day, but I would really prefer you to complete these forms as quickly as possible, to make life much easier for me!  With many thanks,

Martin Clarke, Electoral Roll Officer

          Or if you would prefer to complete this form online please send it to Colin Hicks: admin@richmondhudswellparish.org.uk

St Mary's Lent Resources, 2025

We are offering a selection of resources for Lent. All are welcome to sign up to our Bible Study course (Alive In Christ) or our Benefice Retreat morning led by Bishop John on 12th April, and much more.

Leaflets and Sign up sheets are at the back of the church. Further details  from Canon Martin or Revd Lorna if required. 

Look whats happening on the 1st Sunday of every month

All are Welcome

  • 27 September 2023
  • Author: Paul Sunderland
  • Number of views: 1871
Look whats happening on the 1st Sunday of every month

Have you seen what we are doing on the 1st Sunday of the month? It's new and you are invited to join us as we explore a different way to 'DO' Church.

Our Morning Worship is an All Inclusive, All Age service filled with music, prayer and a short talk.

This is the perfect service if you want to dip your toe into Church but are not sure when to stand or sit down, when to say Amen or what to do when you are offered a cup of tea.

All are Welcome. Bring a friend!

This month we will be joined by the worship team from SFX School as we celebrate the Harvest Festival. It would be great to see you too.

A NEW easy way to GIVE

The ongoing viability of St Mary's and our Diocese depends on your financial support. We know that all too often it is a pain to get to the bank for cash or to call and set up a payment with the telephone bank.

So we have taken steps to make it as easy as possible. At the bottom of each page on our website you will see the button pictured.

To make a donation simply click the button and you will be guided through a simple process to make a single or a regular donation. Alternatively click here: Richmond with Hudswell PCC | Stewardship

Loving. Living. Learning. All are Welcome to continue their Christian journey through these online resources and courses.

  • 27 December 2021
  • Author: Paul Sunderland
  • Number of views: 1896

Growth comes from both faith and through continually expanding our knowledge. Please click on the image below to link to a great number of online resources and courses offered by our diocese.