A warm welcome to the parishes of Richmond with Hudswell and Downholme and Marske.
Our churches are inclusive centres of community where: All are Welcome. In our worship, our fellowship, and our service to the wider community our vision is: to be a people and a place where love works.
At St Mary's we offer a full complement of services, with options to attend in person or online via Zoom (which has a telephone 'dial-in' option for those without internet access), YouTube, or Social Media. Please see our Events Page for details of the Zoom invitation.
St Mary's church is open for private prayer and reflection 7 days a week from 9:00am until dusk, and you are welcome to join us for Morning Prayer each Tuesday to Friday at 8:30.
A range of worship and prayer resources are available on this website (please see the Latest Resources and Podcasts Page) and on St Mary's Facebook page.
Our website aims to help you find out what’s on, who we are and what we do. Please contact us if there is anything further you would like to know.
The ongoing work of St Mary's depends on your financial support. Our Giving page indicates ways to join a Planned Giving scheme, to make a donation (or you can quickly click on the Donate button at the foot of this page), or to be part of our Charitable Giving programme.
Thank you for your interest and involvement in the life of our churches.
Revd Martin Fletcher, Rector.
We are Church...
This beautiful collage of just a few of our congregation was put together on the occasion of the Marriage of our Rector, Martin and Anna.

We very much hope you will enjoy exploring this website and gallery and look forward to seeing you at any of our services or events where all are welcome. Our website aims to help you find out what’s on, who we are and what we do. Please contact us if there is anything further you would like to know.